Montana's largest youth soccer club since 1982

SFC Coaching Education

U.S. Soccer Learning Center
The new D license will be as follows:
1st virtual meet and start of course: Week starting May 4th/5th (We'll have to have a virtual intro meeting before that date too)
1st in-person weekend at the end of the 4th week: June 1st/2nd (Potential problems - HS graduation, 3 blind refs, Real Billings tournament)
2nd in-person weekend at the end of the 7th week: June 22nd/23rd (Potential problems - summer vacations, season over)
End of course week 9/10: July 6th-7th through July 13th/14th
Please note :
Course participation virtually is mandatory. Instructors will provide a survey of virtual options to ensure candidates can attend.
In Person weekends are mandatory and full day events. Coaches will be unable to coach their teams on those weekends.
Your options:
If the new dates work for you, candidates can be transferred to the new course.
If those dates do not work for you and you can't attend in person events then candidates can be issued a refund.
Strikers FC Coaching Clinics
Coach Ross McMonies shares insight and his methodology for being a thoughtful and effective youth soccer coach.
Coaches' Check-In