Montana's largest youth soccer club since 1982


Entry Deadline
The entry deadline for all fees and paperwork is 11:59 pm on Friday, May 31st, 2024. Other arrangements can be made by contacting the tournament director, Chris Essman (
Refund Policy
Teams withdrawing after June 6, 2023 will forfeit their entire entry fee. All teams not accepted into the tournament will receive a full refund. In the event of cancellation of the tournament, 90% of fees will be returned.
General Rules
No pets allowed at any tournament game site (service animals excluded). If supporters of a team refuse to remove a pet when asked by a tournament official, the Tournament Director may forfeit the game for the team with the supporters. No alcoholic beverages allowed at any tournament game site.
All teams must upload their team roster to EventConnect profile by Wednesday May 31st at 11:59pm; otherwise they will not be permitted to play. No check-in is necessary. Teams must do the following:
Teams must have the appropriate tournament roster uploaded to EventConnect prior to the first tournament game. The roster must be an official USYS or US Club roster.
Player cards do not need to be presented but coaches or manager(s) should have them on hand in case asked for, to match the tournament rosters.
Medical release and concussion forms for each participating player on hand in case asked for. There is no specific tournament medical release form. Bring the one currently used by the team for league play.
1. Each team should bring two sets of numbered uniforms (differing colors) to each game. The home team wears dark uniform; the away team wears light. In the event of a conflict the home team will be required to change colors.
2. The home team is required to provide the game balls.
3. Maximum roster sizes for each team are as follows:
o 2014-2015 (7v7): 16
o 2012-2013 (9x9): 18
o 2005-2011 (11x11): 20
4. The Tournament Director can approve exceptions to the roster size rule. Any exceptions must be in writing and a copy kept with the team at all games.
5. Dual rostering is allowed but only if the player plays in two different divisions. If you wish to do this, you must inform the Tournament Director of this need and the reason why for official approval. Failing to do this may result in potential forfeiture of game results if done without good cause.
6. Player equipment:
o Shin guards are required for all players (no exceptions).
Casts: Casts are permitted with soft wrapping upon the permission of the referee. The Tournament Director should be contacted beforehand in the case of a player expected to play with a cast but the ultimate authority of playing with a cast will be with the referee.
Rules of Competition and Conduct:
FIFA Laws of the Game
FIFA Laws of the Game will apply, except as amended below.
The ball during a kick-off can go in any direction (forward or backwards).
Game Durations
The duration of the matches shall be as follows:
2014-2015: two 25 minute halves (50 minutes)
2012-2013: two 30 minute halves (60 minutes)
2011-2007: two 35 minute halves (70 minutes)
All games will have a five-minute halftime unless shortened by the authority of the Tournament Director. If the start time of a game is more than 15 minutes behind schedule, the Tournament Director may make a decision to shorten the game. He will do so by informing the coaches, prior to the start of the game, if the game time will need to be shortened by 5 minutes for each half.
In group play and consolation matches, a draw shall stand as played. In the semi-finals and finals, matches that end in a draw shall be decided by penalty kicks. No Overtimes unless both teams are notified by the Tournament Director prior to the game.
Team sidelines
Both teams are to be located on the same side of the field with spectators on the opposite side of the field of the teams.
Only coaches may protest a misconduct report or the outcome of a match. The referee of the match must be notified immediately after the match concludes and the coach must follow-up within sixty (60) minutes after the match with a written request. All protests are submitted in writing to the Tournament Director at Tournament Headquarters for consideration. The Tournament Director will have final authority on all matters related to them.
· Protests for receipt of a red card will only be considered in the event of a misapplication of the Laws of Play for suspensions greater than one game.
· Protest of game outcomes will be considered only in the case of overage or suspended players or the clear misapplication of the Laws of Play by a referee.
· Protests involving referee judgment will not be accepted.
· All protests not involving misconducts will be reviewed by the Tournament Director.
All players are to be eligible to play in their age division (including guest players). The Tournament Director can approve exceptions to this rule.
All coaches have total responsibility for the conduct of their players, coaching staff, and team spectators. At no time shall foul or abusive language or misconduct be permitted at any field or other facilities being used for the tournament. Coaches who are either unable or unwilling to control themselves or their sidelines may be cautioned or sent off. The referee will file a written report with the Tournament Director. A copy of the report and a statement of any action will be sent to the respective association office.
Solicitation of Players
No coach or person may solicit the recruitment of another player outside of one’s club at any point during the duration of the tournament. If such an instance is reported to the Tournament Director, the director will assess the appropriate punishment for the offense, including the suspension of the person from the tournament.
Termination of Play
If in the opinion of the referee, game play must be terminated for misconduct of the coach, players and/or spectators, the offending team will be charged with a loss and the score will be determined by the Tournament Director. If, in the opinion of the referee, both teams are offending, the game will be terminated and the Tournament Director will determine the score. If a game is terminated due to weather or unsafe field conditions (as determined by the referee), the score of the game at the time of the termination will be the official game score.
Red and Yellow Cards
Any player, coach or bench personnel sent-off or dismissed (red card) may not participate in the team's next game of the tournament. If the offense is of a serious nature, the Tournament Director reserves the right to impose a suspension. If a player is sent off a second time, the Tournament Director has the right to suspend the player for the remainder of the tournament. If any player receives three yellow cards during the tournament, he or she will sit out a minimum one game suspension.
Any player, coach or bench personnel sent off for violent conduct may not participate in any further games of the tournament and will be referred to their state or national association for further sanctions. If a player, coach or bench personnel participates in any game for which they are suspended, his or her team shall forfeit that game and the player or coach may not participate in an additional game of the tournament. A coach who is suspended may not be present on the coaching sidelines at any game for which they are suspended.
1. Substitution may be made with the consent of the referee during any stoppage of play.
2. The number of substitutions shall be unlimited.
3. Players not on the field of play must remain (2) yards behind the touchline and not within 18 yards from the corner of the field.
7v7 Build-out Lines
The Intermountain Champions Cup will be using 7v7 build-out lines to encourage kids playing out from the back at the u9 and u10 ages.
Build-out Area:
· The opposing team must move outside the build-out area on all goal kicks, and whenever the goalkeeper gains possession of the ball with their hands during play.
· The referee should not start the 6-second count for the goalkeeper to release the ball from hands until all opponents have moved behind the build-out line.
· The goalkeeper can put the ball in play before the opponents retreat, accepting that normal play resumes for all players.
· Goalkeepers are not allowed the punt or drop-kick the ball. Restart is an indirect free kick at spot of offense.
· Offside calls: attacking players can only be called offside when attacking in the opponents’ build-out area.
· No offside offenses can occur between the two build-out lines.
Tournament Format:
Reporting of Scores
Referees are responsible for the game and will report the score of all games to the Ref Assignor. The Ref Assignor report scores to the Tournament Director for record.
Division Formats
Group of 4: 3 group stage games, a 1st place final, and 3rd place final.
Group of 5: 4 group stage games for total points.
Group of 6: 2 groups of 3 for 2 group stage games. Top two teams in each group advance to semi finals. 3rd place plays a 5th place consolation match. Winner of semifinals play in final.
Group of 7: 4 games of round robin for total points.
Group of 8: 3 group stage games and placement final(s).
Point System
A point system shall be employed to determine the order of finish in group play, as follows:
1. Three points for a win
2. One point for a tie
3. Zero points for a loss
The team with the most points in group play will be the winner of the group; the rest of the teams shall finish in the order of most points.
If teams are equal in points, then tie-breakers, in order of importance, shall be:
1. Head-to Head Competition
2. Goals Differential (max of 7 per game)
3. Goals For
4. Goals Against
If the tie-breaker fails to determine a winner, a coin toss will decide the winner (or penalty kicks at discretion of Tournament Director). When selecting more than one team using the tie breaking rules, the tie breaking rules will be re-applied from the beginning after each team is selected.
Note: In the case of a "Bye" because of no show or cancellation, a score of 3-0 (3 points) will be awarded to the winning team. (The Tournament Director will make every effort to try to find a replacement team when a cancellation occurs.)
· A forfeiture may occur when a team does not arrive by the scheduled starting time for a match or not having the minimum number of players present. The tournament director may choose not to forfeit a game due to extenuating circumstances.
· The minimum number of players required to start play will be based on FIFA Laws of the Game.
· A team that forfeits a match will be permitted to proceed in the tournament if qualified to do so.
The Tournament Director has the authority to modify or waive these rules in unusual circumstances for any game(s), which have not yet begun. Any modification, waiver, or failure to enforce any of these rules of competition does not require the granting of further modification, waiver, or lack of enforcement.